Course Design Resources

This section provides a rolodex of external resources that the CPS Design Team and other faculty members from George Washington University frequently utilize to inform their teaching and learning.

Each section explores a broad range of topics that will help inform faculty as they look for new and innovative ways to update and create educational materials.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it provides a solid foundation for acclimating faculty to the types of resources available.

For more information on any of these topics, or other topics not addressed below, please reach out to [email protected]. The CPS Design Team will be happy to help collect more materials and assist with any questions you may have.

Instructional Design Models

Instructional design (ID) models serve as an essential framework to guide the development of any curriculum. An ID model provides a systematic process that informs the design, development, and delivery of educational content

Each model has its strengths and weaknesses and there is not a one-size-fits-all approach – explore the models outlined below, but follow what works best for the course and the outcomes. 

Course Design Principles and Learning Theories

Design principles and learning theories help describe how students can best receive, understand, and retain content during the learning process.

There is a range of influences on student learning such as cognitive, emotional and environmental considerations that all have an impact on how knowledge is viewed, experienced and understood.

The principles and theories spotlighted below touch on the essentials that faculty can further explore to better understand how and why students learn and engage through their experience in the class.

For more information on design principles or learning theories reach out to [email protected] and someone will be happy to provide further guidance. 

Higher Education Publications & Organizations

Keeping up with the current trends in higher education can feel like a full-time job. It can be difficult to know where to look for newsletters, research, and information that is relevant and helpful.

Below are some recommended resources on professional organizations and news outlets to check out or subscribe to stay up to date. 

Professional Organizations (GW has Institutional Membership with**)

Higher Education New Sources

Course Design Quality Assurance Rubrics

Developing a high-quality course can be a difficult task without some clear guidance. There are a number of course design quality assurance rubrics available for faculty to follow.

While GW doesn’t strictly adhere to any particular rubric, the most widely used are spotlighted here. These course design rubrics focus on evaluating online and hybrid courses, but the fundamentals still promote a high-quality experience for face-to-face courses.

Additional Recommended Resources
